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Teaching English in Poland: How to Find Private Students


If you’re coming to teach English in Poland, private tutoring can be an excellent way to supplement your income. Here we’ll cover the who, what, where and whys of private tutoring in Poland.

Why should I do private tutoring?

The way that many language schools and kindergartens operate in Poland generally allows for super flexible hours – in turn, allowing for different types of teaching to fill up your schedule. Arguably the easiest way to do this is to advertise yourself as a private tutor!You’ll soon find living in Poland, that students can be found almost anywhere – particularly if you live in more remote areas where native and native-level teachers are somewhat scarce. Once you get the ball rolling, you’ll find that things can quickly snowball, with students recommending you to their friends and colleagues, and before you know, you’ll be maxed out!So where to begin? More on that next! 


Posting online is the fastest way to connect to prospective students looking for tutoring services

Where can I find students?

Probably the quickest way to put your services out there is by posting online. Sure, you could hit up Facebook groups and the like, but a more professional approach would be to use a dedicated tutoring website – the go-to in Poland being e-korepetycje.net.It is pretty well known in Poland, and a place for tutors and students alike to post ads or requests for services. While the website itself is only available in Polish, the web pages translate well, and it is worth spending some time on getting your profile just right, to represent the fantastic teacher you are! It also wouldn’t hurt to ask a Polish-speaking colleague or friend to glance over your page as well, before you set it live.Prospective students can message you directly on the platform to arrange classes or request more information, and you can take a look at the competition if you’re not sure about suitable pricing in your area or what to include in your bio. A super-easy way to find students with very little extra effort!

How does it work?


If you are using e-korepetycje.net to find students, it really is just a case of posting a killer ad, and waiting for students to reach out! Be patient, and don’t be disheartened if your inbox doesn’t fill up overnight.


The great thing about such a website is that all of the finer details are really down to you – availability, location (online or in-person) and other preferences can all be stated on your profile, so students contacting you should already know the drill 🙂




Always remember to bring value, patience and kindness to your tutoring sessions

Anything else I should know?


While any private tutor will tell you that building great relationships with students and seeing them flourish is the best part of the job, it is important to remember just that – it is a job.


Keep expectations super clear from the offset, particularly when it comes to things such as cancellation and payment policies. Think about how much time you could be spending planning classes for students to cancel at the last minute, and decide on how you will handle that situation.


Equally important is for you to also treat it seriously. While tutoring is often seen as the more ‘as and when convenient’ way to teach English, your students are paying customers, and an air of responsibility and commitment from your end will most definitely end in glowing reviews and recommendations!

So there you have it! How to teach English in Poland as a private tutor!
More interested in teaching in Poland a traditional school or language center? Don’t worry, we have a blog article about that as well :)Want to learn more about teaching in Poland?Subscribe to our newsletter to keep up with latest news from English Wizards.

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